Saturday 29 January 2022

Who loves popcorn??

Do you love popcorn but hate paying $3 per bag for the stuff? Or the NOISE of a traditional hot air popper? Or the W A I T?

Let me introduce you to the Microwave Popcorn Maker from the Pampered Chef.

It’s made of collapsible silicone for easy storage.

The vented lid doubles as a measuring cup.

Add butter or oil if you want, and just “pop” it in the microwave ;)

Ovens vary, but it averages two minutes for a bowl full of fresh, hot, chemical-free popcorn

You can make multiple batches back-to-back with no worries of overheating, and when you are done, the whole thing goes into the dishwasher for easy cleanup.

Personally, I’m regretting that shiny new hot air popper I bought on Black Friday. The Microwave Popcorn Maker is going to see a lot more use, and its smaller and easier to clean. The hot air popper left fewer kernels unpopped in our home test, but the benefits of the Microwave Popcorn Maker outweigh that by far.

Any comments or questions? Let me know, so we can learn together.


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