Thursday 20 November 2008

Praise the Lord for internet!

I thought I was done for...
Ella got one of our picture CDs (our family pictures burned to CD for safekeeping) and marked all over both sides with a permanent marker. Yes, I let her have it. Yes, I cried. Yes, I had some chocolate. And then I googled "how to remove permanent marker from CD" and the first result was a yahoo answers that linked to WikiHow. Apparently there are several methods - the one I went for was white board cleaner - and it worked. The Cd reads fine. The marks on the top will have to stay because if I cleaned it, the labels would also come off.



Ganeida said...
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Ganeida said...

Sorry. It's 2 am & I shouldn't even be up let alone trying to spell. *huge Yawn*

.Yikes! But isn't she so sweet & precious again?! :)

MamaOlive said...

No worries. I think I could have figured out "sweet" without the T. Go to bed.
Ella is pretty cute, except when I call "Come here!" and she replies, "NO." :-D