I can't believe I've waited this long to write this. She's 2
months and a week old, and I've forgotten the details already!
In the weeks preceding Ruth's birth, my blood pressure was
up and down - mostly up. So at my 38 week check-up my doctor and I decided to
induce labor.
Bob and I took the family to church Wednesday night, came
home and tucked them into bed, and once Daniel was asleep, headed to the
hospital. I checked in at 11:30, and though they expected me earlier, my room
wasn't quite ready. Since I'd tested positive for Group B Strep, they wanted me
to have a full course of antibiotics before starting the pitocin. So they
hooked up the IV, on my right wrist (I should have spoken up, but didn't - my
left arm works better, and I hate it on my wrist), and started the drip. I was
also given a sleeping pill that almost helped. Bob spread a sheet on the couch
and pretended to sleep.
Four hours later they put on the second bag of antibiotics
and started pitocin. Nothing exciting happened for a couple of hours, and then
the Doc came in and broke my water. There was an immediate change, but she left
right away and I *knew* one simply doesn't go from 4-10 in 20 minutes, so asked
for pain meds. They gave me a shot of something and I settled in to relax with
it and wait. Except, it made not an iota of difference in my pain level. I
called for something different, and after the nurse called the doctor she
reported that I had to wait an hour.
At the end of the hour I knew my time was about up, but
really wanted a quiet minute to relax before delivery. I felt the tension in my
body and knew I wasn't open mentally, even if I was physically. The nurse
wanted to check me before she'd give me anything, but I didn't want to be
bothered. I argued and pleaded with her, and she just kept badgering me about
getting "checked." She had to know where I was before giving meds - I
told her I was 9.5. She said meds before delivery make baby sleepy. Well,
newborns tend to sleep anyway, so I said "I don't care!" After a good 20 minutes of back and forth she finally got
the doctor back in (doc works a family practice in a clinic adjoining the
I had a clear moment and explained that I knew I was close,
but couldn't relax and open up. She then explained that baby has difficulty
breathing if born on meds, so HAD to verify my status - crossed her arms and
said "there's nothing I can do." Of course I was ready, so she got
all business-like and said, "Let's have a baby!" She informed me that
my pain was on account of Ruth pressing against my pelvis, and the only way to
get relief was to get her out.
I was laying on my right side, and amidst my cries and
groans the doc and nurses (half-dozen at least, seemed like) pestered me with
questions, and finally decided I could deliver on my side. (I did with Elijah,
after all.) So they supported me and I gave a push, but it just didn't feel
right. So I said, "I need to move" and rolled over. Then the
pestering again about did I want the stirrups or not, so I went ahead and
pushed her out. They all oohed about how pretty she was, but I had my eyes
closed (crying). Finally got a peek as Ruth was laid on my stomach, but the cord
was pulled tight and caused some irritation. I tried to let the doc know so she
could pull up some slack, but she apologized and did nothing. Bob got some pictures,
and cut the cord while I was (partially) cleaned up. Doc said I could have more
meds now, to which I laughed. Adrenaline finally kicked in and I felt no pain,
but they said it would make me happy or sleepy, so they gave me some anyway (I
agreed to it. I must say, looking back, that they were careful throughout to
keep my wishes in mind and to not do anything without asking first). I never
felt the effects of the second dose, either.

After the excitement slowed down I started begging to have
the IV removed, but they had to wait for this and then that, and wanted me to
keep it 24 hours, but I did finally get it taken out that afternoon. The nurses
were kind and considerate during my stay, coming in together to check on us so
interruptions were minimum, and only taking Ruth for a couple of minutes when
necessary, explaining why and for how long. But I didn't rest well for all
that, the bed being uncomfortable, Ruth awake, and my mind unsettled. I kept
calling her Daniel! So, while I wanted to stay longer when Daniel was born, I
was ready to go home by morning this time. There was the usual delay about
getting the paperwork and the wheelchair, etc, but we were finally on our way.
We stopped on the way home to buy stuff for Riah's upcoming birthday.
When I wrote this on my computer (duh! - I mean in Word, not online), I had a nice, mushy, introspective closing paragraph. But since that's not my style, I won't include it here. :P
1 comment:
I'm glad you finally got around to posting this. At least now it won't bug you that you didn't. :-)
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